The main objective of this application is to register the attendance of employees and/or contractors at their working places.

From a mobile device (smartphone or tablet), employees may mark their entry/exit using the QR code that appears in their personal working card or entering their identity card numbers. At the time of marking, the device takes a picture of the employee (double authentication factor) and records the date, time and geographical location.

In addition, the system automatically checks employee’s documentary status –for instance, the validity of the health card, delivery of safety equipment, among others– and reports such information to the corresponding person in case the employee status is not in good standing so as to carry out their duties.

This system allows a strict control of work, rest and commuting times. It can be used as an input for payroll settlement.

Features like the Notification Manager and Your History issue proactive notices relative to the expiration of employees and vehicles documentation, as well as admission notices to the premises, late arrivals, absenteeism, etc.

The marks constitute supportive data for presenteeism.